• Doncaster and Bassetlaw Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
  • Rotherham Doncaster and South Humber NHS Foundation Trust
  • Nottingham and Nottinghamshire
  • South Yorkshire ICB

Tranexamic Acid Tablets

Tranexamic Acid is useful in the treatment of prophylaxis of certain
haemorrhagic conditions, and as it inhibits plasminogen activation it can be
used as an antidote to Streptokinase


Pack Price
60 tablet £4.79

Tranexamic Acid is useful in the treatment of prophylaxis of certain
haemorrhagic conditions, and as it inhibits plasminogen activation it can be
used as an antidote to Streptokinase

*Hospital Use Only*

Emergency Treatment of Poisoning (rivaroxaban and apixaban)

Reversing anticoagulation from apixaban or rivaroxaban in adults with life-threatening or uncontrolled bleeding.

Rationale 1,6

NICE TA697 Andexanet alfa for reversing anticoagulation from apixaban or rivaroxaban